Tuesday, January 8, 2013

1/8/2013 Lesson

Thank you for the lesson today! S was so excited to play "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" and "Song of the Wind" for you today. She was really sad when her E string suddenly decided it had had enough.  I'm on the look out for a place to purchase strings (the places are  surprisingly few and far between--an hour drive/subway ride and no parking).   It is one of my main goals for the week.  

New Rule for the New Year
If someone is talking the other person does not play.  Student talking = teaching not playing. Teacher talking = student not playing.

Goals of the week:
1. Straight wrist!
2. Hover fingers. Helicopter right above string so you can play faster in the future. 10 "old grey mare is dead" phrases, specifically practicing hover fingers. Flying fingers take more time to move and look sloppy.
3.  10 no-muddy-tips per day, bow circles on A string.  Start at the bottom of the sticker on the bow and make sure the tip of the bow does not end up "in the mud."